Last SketchUp V1.3.71 英文光碟正式版
@Last SketchUp V1.3.71 英文光碟正式版
Company: TRINITY
Serial: AA-238-05241-RAC
Authorization: 4506012-8619501-051
@Last SketchUp是一套繪製草圖的軟體,因為需要大量設計或是構思,常會無法得
到相當準確的數據,導致你在使用 CAD/CAM 軟體或是設計軟體時因為缺乏數據而
可以轉成2D或是3D的CAD/CAM 圖檔。
@Last Software's development of SketchUp has been driven by the growing
need among design professionals for a more intuitive and accessible 3D
design tool. SketchUp was launched in 2000 and immediately won a Best New
Product award at the AEC Systems 2000 Fall Show.
SketchUp is a completely new way of drawing on the computer. The core of
it's simplicity is an interface that allows the user to simply draw the
edges of the desired object in 3D space, just like they would using
pencil and paper. Intelligent inferencing capabilities automatically
determine the nature of the lines and "fills" the shapes to create 3D
geometry. Not only is this approach to 3D more natural for those using
traditional media, it is also better suited for the l oose, exploratory
nature of design drawing.