Lick Library Lead Guitar for Absolute Beginners TUTORiAL 視頻教學 英文正式版(DVD一片裝)
This superb DVD?includes a selection of easy to absorb guitar lessons that
are designed to teach the beginner guitarist some of the essential basics
of lead guitar playing.
Over the course of this DVD you will learn some essential lead guitar
techniques such as string bending, hammer on and pull off, sliding, and
vibrato that can be used in any style of guitar playing from jazz to metal.
This DVD includes:
Essential lead techniques including string bending,
hammer on and pull off,
How to play simple phrases and licks
The pentatonic scale
The blues scale
Extended scales
Getting a great sound
Note positions on the fretboard
Effect pedals overview including; distortion, compression, reverb, delay
and octave
Danny Gill is a former pupil of Joe Satriani, and co-author of the
Musicians Institute Rock Lead Guitar series. His songs have appeared on
numerous TV shows including 'The Osbournes' as well as motion picture
soundtracks such as 'Insomnia' and 'Under Siege'.